PESEdit. com 2013 Patch to build on the new season. The new PESEdit Patch includes more than 600 summer transfers, new 1314 kits for more than 40 teamsas well as updated promotedrelegated teams for La. Download Gratis PESedit patch 6. Download Gratis PES 2013 PC PESEdit. 0 Season PESEdit 2013 Patch 13. 0 is a latest patch for PES 2013 Patch PESEdit 13. 0 Official is actually not the version of PESEdit. com, because the last version PESEdit. Berbagi Informasi Software Gratis Kumpulan Peserta Xfactor Download Games Gratis Film Indonesia Film Manca Negara PES 2013: PESEdit. 1 de 200 Transferncias de Vero Torrent; PESEDIT. 1 Fix merupakan patch PES 2012 terbaru bulan september ini. 1 Fix ini transfer pemain sudah lebih lengkap serta jerseycostum yang pastinya up to date. Sebagai pecinta PES 2013, transfer besarbesaran dan bersifat FINAL ini tidak boleh sobat lewatkan. 0 telah mencakup Transfer terakhir ( ) dan juga terdapat puluhan team baru yang ditambahkan ke dalam PES 2013 sehingga bermain PES 2013 pun akan semakin seru menjelang hadirnya game Pro Evolution Soccer. 0 is the last version of PESEdit. With this new patch you're going to get many new transfers, boots, kits also new stadiums for your PES 2013. 0 ser a ltima verso do PESEdit. 0 adiciona 600 novas transferncias de vero para um total de mais de 3. Patch untuk update PES 2013 kembali rilis, saat ini masuk ke versi PESEdit. Pasti pecinta PES 2013 sangat menunggu update ini termasuk saya. Dalam update ini banyak hal yang baru diantaranya wajah, rambut, sepatu, seragam dan tentunya transfer pemain terbaru seperti pembelian Neymar dari Santos ke Barca, dan Gtze ke Muenchen Danilo Ikeda 20 de janeiro de 2013 13: 40 os times da srie B. Tem que ter o Pes n, o Patch para o Pes 2013, ento tenha ele baixado ou comprado e depois instale o patch. Marcelo Teofilo 28 de janeiro de 2013 07: 25. 0 is the last version of PESEdit. 0 adds 600 new summer transfers to a total of more than 3000 summer transfers. PES 2013 Next Season 1617 Patch Compatible with PESEdit 6. Please give me new patch for PES2013. Ini adalah Option File terbaru yang dibuat oleh Minosta4u. Seperti yang kita tahu, pengguna Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 masih cukup banyak. Apalagi yang masih menggunakan PESEdit. 0 is the first Pesedit 2013 Patch to expand the new time of year. The new Pesedit Patch incorporates more than 600 sunny season exchanges, new 1314 packs for more than 40 teamsas well as upgraded promotedrelegated groups for La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A. All About Pro Evolution Soccer. Such as Patch, Mods, Template, Tuftorial and Tools patch, pes 2014, pesedit No comments The new PESEdit 2014 Patch 4. 0 will not only include allnew Liga Adelante for PES 2014, but also 9 more other European teams. You may have noticed the relatively quiet period of time since the release of our latest PES 2014 Patch, and we have used that time to build one of the most featurepacked. 1 ini sahabat abduhshare bisa mengupdate pemain, kostum, bola, dan lainlain yang contohnya pada PESEdit 2014 patch 0. 1 ini salah satunya memperbaharui transfer. com 2014 Patch, PES 14 18 Liga Adelante, 9. 0, no s incluir todos os novos Liga Adelante para PES 2014, mas tambm mais 9 outros times europeus. 0 tambm acrescenta kits da equipe nacional para aqueles que tinham perdido seus entes corretas at agora, assim como os recmapresentados 2. com PES 2013 Patch is the first PESEdit. com 2013 Patch to build on the new season. The new PESEdit Patch includes more than 600 summer transfers, new 1314 kits for more than 40 teamsas well as updated promotedrelegated teams for La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1. 1 adds 200 1314 transfers for PES 2013, as well as new 1314 kits for 40 teams. Sort By: A This works with PES 2012 as well, I am using PESEdit Patch 2. 8 Facepack By Ilhan All About Pro Evolution Soccer. Such as Patch, Mods, Template, Tuftorial and Tools PESEdit. 0 ser a ltima verso do PESEdit. 0 adiciona 600 novas transferncias de vero para um total de mais de 3. 1 Transfers: 200 summer transfers added Created 35 new players PES 2013 PES 2013 Patch Updater PESEdit. com 2013 Patch to build on the new season. The new PESEdit Patch includes more than 600 summer transfers, new 1314 kits for more than 40 teamsas well as updated promotedrelegated teams for La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1. PES Edit, cea mai buna echipa de editare din lume, a lansat un nou patch, versiunea 6. 0 a patchului PES Edit pentru PES 2013. 2 Liga I i Liga II n FIFA 14 patch, pes 14 patch, pes 2014 No comments Additionally to the Konami content, PESEdit 2014 Patch 4. 1 also features the correct kits for all 32 World Cup teams, as well as finally correct kits for Arouca, Olhanense and Rio Ave of Portugal as. 0 Released Siapa sih Yang tidak Kenal Game Sepakbola Buatan Konami ini Yaps, PES 2013 Merupakan Game Simulator Sepak Bola Yang Di produksi Oleh Konami, Kali Ini saya tidak akan membahasas Game PES 2013 nya, Tapi Akan Membahas updatetan Nya, Pasti yang Suka PES 2013 Pasti Tau Juga PESEDIT, Yang merupakan Patch Yang Terbaik Menurut saya, PESEDIT telah Merilis Versi Terbarunya Yaitu PESedit. Download New PES 2013 Option File and PESEdit. 0 Update Winter Transfers 5 Februari 2016 New PES 2013 Option File and PESEdit. 0 merupakan update yang terbaru dari PES 2013, 2016 at 2: 40 PM. Download PES 2013 Option File 5 Februari 2016 silahkan klik tulisan DISINI nanti agan akan dibawa ke filenya. 0 Fix Link Lokal Lama sekali saya tidak update blog ini, dan pada kesempatan ini saya akan share PESEdit. Pencinta game pas 2013 wajib nih mengupdate patchnya, karena banyak penambahan yang cukup banyak dalam Patch 2. 0 PES 2014 link lokal Single link mediafire indowebster Download PESEdit. 0 AIO FINAL Tips Trick Tutorial Terbaru. Transfers: 600 summer transfers for the most important leagues included; Updated relegated promoted teams for Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga Update PES 2013 Patch PESEDIT 6. 0 September 2014 (September October 2014) Option File Edit. bin League Structure Transfer Update 020 PESEdit. PES New Feature PESEDIT 2013 Patch 3. 6: Includes PES 2013 Data Pack 5. 00 (Copa Libertadores 2013 teams with correct squads, kits, lineups etc. ) Includes PES 2013 game patch 1. 04 (gameplay changes, added Copa Libertadores 2013 mode) By fazlur riffa PES 2013 PATCH 40 comments. Transfers: 600 summer transfers for the most important leagues included; Updated relegated promoted teams for Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga. com 2013 baseado nas novas temporadas europeias ( ). Com mais de 600 transferncias de vero, o patch ainda conta com os uniformes da prxima temporada europeia de mais de 40 clubes, novas cores para algumas chuteiras, novos plantis (a o povo das antigas) para selees da Copa das Confederaes PES 2013 Next Season Patch 2019 Update v5. 0 AIO Features: Update All Transfers Until Update More Than 100 New Kits Update More Than 40 New Faces New Graphics PES 2017 Next Season Patch 2019 All In One Released. 2 adalah versi kedua yang dirilis oleh PESEdit. com untuk Pro Evolution Soccer 2014. 2 menambahkan 4 Bundesliga teams, corrects more kits, transfers and player names dan masih banyak lagi. com 2013 Patch to build on the new season. The new PESEdit Patch includes more than 600 summer transfers, new 1314 kits for more than 40 teamsas well as updated promotedrelegated teams for La. 0 transfers video This video shows a selection of summer transfers included in upcoming PESEdit. 0 Fix ini telah mencakup lebih dari 600 transfer musim panas, baru 1314 kit selama lebih dari 40 teamsas serta diperbarui dipromosikan diturunkan tim untuk La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1. Aqui voc fica por dentro de tudo que acontece. Inicio; PES 2015 Noticias; PES 2013; FIFA 14; PES 2014; Contato; Faces; Uniformes; Chuteiras PATCH PES 2013 PESEdit. Posted by: Bagoez Pencinta Chelsea Fc Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013. com 2013 Patch.